InvestComics Hot Picks #351

NEW InvestComics Hot Picks every week before New Comic Day on Wednesday!

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speculative(Disclaimer: all comic recommendations are from a speculative vantage point. Not all comics are to guarantee a return on your investment. If you are here on the notion that you will make money ALL the time, you are in the wrong place. Please do not read this article. Although this article is used as a guide for investments, it’s more so for entertainment purposes. Any opinions or expression of investments in this article should be used at the sole discretion and judgment upon the investor, not InvestComics. So please use your own discretion when investing and have fun. Also; Not all comics will be chosen as an InvestComics Hot Pick. There will in fact (guaranteed) to be some missed opportunities. The speculator not only has to be accountable for their gains and loses, but their own research as well. If the speculator is here with the thought that InvestComics will pick every comic that hits, even ones that sells out weeks later or become hot after the weekly article; is mistakenly off. This is in fact entertainment/speculative site. Bottom line though, we have and always will be the best speculative web site on the planet).

What you are about to read is 100% authentic. This material is 100% original content from InvestComics and does not borrow from any article(s) or comic website(s) for its content. Anything you read regarding anything from here on any other site that seems similar probably and most likely originated from here.

InvestComics Hot Picks – New Release Comics on 12/24/14

Happy Holidays everyone!!

In the “In case you missed it” department. Check out the special InvestComics holiday comic covers article right HERE. The holiday article originally came out in 2011 right HERE.

Nova_InvestComics Superman_InvestComicsBe sure to check out the awesomeness of this Batman (2011 2nd Series) Annual #3 Wednesday. This story will be huge for a lot of readers according to DC. Too bad we don’t get the giant sized annuals anymore right?!

Grayson (2014 DC) Annual #1 will tell the secret origin of Helena Bertinelli (aka Huntress). Huntress first appeared in The Huntress #1 (1989).

DC promises some big changes for the Superman character next year. It may start in Superman (2011 3rd Series) #37 this week. Be on the look out for this one.

Superman and Wonder Woman will continue their battle with a new villain named Wonderstar in Superman Wonder Woman (2013) #14.

DC tops out their Hot Picks on InvestComics this week with Flash (2011) #37 and Robin Rises Alpha (2014) #1. Flash is a murderous one, which is awesome. And Robin is back with superpowers?! Put up some hot cocoa and sit at that kitchen table while everyone sleeps. Good reading here.

It seems as though Marvel may off someone again. Be sure to read Avengers and X-Men Axis (2014 Marvel) #9 to see who it might be.

Batman_Endgame_InvestComics Robin_InvestComicsIf you haven’t been reading Nova, now is a great time to jump aboard. Looks like Nova (2013 5th Series) #25; Nova is going through some changes and Marvel is making this issue an extra sized one and a jumping on point. There is an awesome Arthur Adams variant for only $20 available too. Maybe a book to get signed and graded. With the latest news that Nova will not see action in a Marvel movie, just means that it’s too early to speculate if that will hold up. Changes happen all the time in the movie business and I think we will see Nova in a movie eventually years down the line.

Image Comics this week will be busy on the speculative/readers side. Outcast continues its reign on the popularity contest. Just because Cinemax bought the rights from Kirkman, does not mean anything will ever become of it. Doesn’t mean the speculator should not be all over this comic, but it does mean to be wise. This holds true for ALL TV or movie developments or better yet, buyouts. Get Outcast (2014 Image) #6 this week and enjoy your story for what it is. Don’t bank on anything until you see more movement with Cinemax. Two must gets this week are They’re Not Like Us (2014 Image) #1 and Graveyard Shift (2014 Image) #1. Both look very promising on both sides of the spectrum.

Fathom_InvestComics Superman_Wonder_Woman_Wonderstar_InvestComicsThe late Michael Turner was one of the industries awesome talents. Gone too soon. One of his crowning achievements was the creation of Fathom. This week collectors get the first ever sourcebook of Fathom with a Michael Turner cover. Michael would have enjoyed the love Fathom still gets these days. Check out Fathom Sourcebook (2014 Aspen) #1. And speaking of Aspen, InvestComics hit on issue number one of Zoohunters as an interesting looking story. Check out Zoohunters (2014 Aspen) #2 coming out this week.

Just in time for Christmas is a comic by Cosmic Times. Not so much a Christmas story actually, but a “what if” story. A story about pondering ones own existence. This time of year, during holiday season, many of us do our own soul searching, our own reflecting from the the past year. InvestComics’ pondering says that in the future; What I.F. (one shot) will be at your local comic shop this Wednesday and should be bought.

Being a huge fan of sticker packs back in the 80’s, Garbage Pail Kids was one of everyone’s favorite. IDW will revisit the Garbage Pail Kids in their very own comic; Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puketacular (2014 IDW) #1. This is going to be fun!

What_IF_InvestComicsA cool softcover of Stan Lee will be hitting shelves this Wednesday. Look for Who Is Stan Lee? SC (2014 Grosset & Dunlap) BAM! POW!.

Marvel Comics loves to have that romantic X-Men cover every now and again. InvestComics had a funny checklist of all (most) of the romantic X-Men covers right HERE and HERE. We’ll have to add Cyclops (2014 2nd Series) #8 to the list!

Have a great holiday everyone.

Invest wisely. Carpe Diem.

Jay Katz

Cyclops_InvestComics Graveyard_Shift_InvestComics Grayson_InvestComics The_Huntress_1_InvestComics Theyre_not_like_us_InvestComics

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