This Week’s Must-See Comic Covers
This Week’s Must-See Comic Covers…..
This week’s new comic book covers are here to remind us that art is subjective, and an opinion is universal. Let’s dive into the visual feast that is New Comic Book Day, where every cover tells a story, and every story is just an excuse to make us spend money.
Explore any red-highlighted links or comic covers to shop directly from all available eBay sellers now.
Also, click on the Artist’s Name to see ALL of the available covers/artwork on eBay under their name.
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First up, Absolute Superman #4 by David Talaski gives us the new Superman in a fiery red and yellow cover that screams “I’m powerful, and I know it,” but let’s be honest, it’s just Superman doing Superman things—looking good while saving the world. Then there’s Batgirl #4 by Sozomaika, where Batgirl is serving looks and holding a batarang like it’s the latest fashion accessory. The sultry vibe is strong here, and we’re not sure if she’s about to fight crime or walk a runway. Either way, it’s working for her. Over in Scarlet Witch #9, Russell Dauterman gives us Black Cat front and center, flanked by two women who look like they just walked out of a superhero soap opera. Black Cat is doing something mystical, because of course she is, because why solve problems with words when you can just wave your hands and make things happen? Meanwhile, David Baldeon’s variant cover for the same issue shows Black Cat caught mid-heist, wide-eyed and looking like she just realized she left the oven on. Scarlet Witch’s leg makes a cameo, because why show the whole hero when a limb will do? Shazam! #20 by Inhyuk Lee brings us Jonathan Kent and Shazam sharing a moment that feels like a superhero buddy comedy. Shazam’s hand on Jonathan’s shoulder screams “I’m the cool uncle,” and we’re here for it. Finally, Star Wars Legacy of Vader #1 by John Giang gives us Kylo Ren looking like the angsty space villain we all love to hate. His T-shaped lightsaber is front and center, because nothing says “I’m a badass” like a weapon that looks like it was designed by a geometry teacher.
This Week’s Must-See Comic Covers!
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Explore any red-highlighted links or comic covers to shop directly from all available eBay sellers now.
Also, click on the Artist’s Name to see ALL of the available covers/artwork on eBay under their name.
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