Tim Gunn Fights Fashion Crimes in the Marvel Universe

The Project Runway star will appear in Marvel’s upcoming Models, Inc., available this week, and the excitement is spreading in both the comic book and fashion universes.

The Associated Press  has an article up about the fashion guru’s foray into the superhero world:

"It’s exciting and exhilarating, but bizarre. When they came to me, I
said, `I’m about to turn 56 years old. Are they crazy?’ But it kept
revealing itself in layers and next thing, I’m wearing the `Iron Man’
suit. I was dumbstruck."

Gunn may not be as out of place in the Marvel Universe as he at first glance appears. Remember, this is the company that once had a crossover with daytime soap opera The Guiding Light, and Gunn himself is a lifelong comic book fan. Still, Gunn has a different approach to super heroics than your average comic book character:

"Most superheroes are fighting the same thing — good vs. evil — but who’s taking on crimes against fashion? Me!"

biggest offense, hands down: clothes that don’t fit properly, Gunn
says. And, if he had the truly incredible power to remove one item from
closets all around the world, no question it would be Crocs.

"It’s the No. 1 fashion crime item — and I see it a lot," Gunn says.

Marvel.com also interviewed Gunn on the project over the weekend, where he discussed the possibility of a Project Runway Marvel Comics challenge in the new season. You can watch the video here:

Models, Inc. hit shops this week!

COVER BY: Scott Clark
WRITER: Marc Sumerak
Paul Tobin
PENCILS: Jorge Molina
Vicenc Villagrasa
INKS: Serge LaPointe|Terry Pallot|Vicenc Villagrasa
COLORED BY: Wil Quintana|Val Staples|Christina Strain|Christina Strain|Emily Warren
LETTERED BY: Dave Sharpe

Fashion Week is always a hectic time for models, and this year is no
exception. Between escaped wolves, robbery attempts, and overly
friendly police officers, Mary Jane Watson, Patsy Walker, Jill Jerold,
Chili Storm and Millicent (Millie the Model) Collins are testing the
limits of their endurance. But when a brilliant young set designer is
found murdered with three bullet holes in his back, and Millie proves
to be the prime suspect, the models are forced to play detective in
order to save one of their own! Rated A …$3.99

PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 9, 2009

Sources: AP , Marvel.com

Syndicated from The Outhouse – Comic Community Run By Fanboys, For Fanboys
Posted originally: 2009-09-06 10:49:39

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