Top 5 Comics This Week: Spider-Gwen, SIKTC, and More

This week’s top comics bring an exciting mix of key issues, first appearances, and speculation opportunities. From Star Wars: A New Legacy #1 celebrating Marvel’s Star Wars legacy to Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1 exploring moral dilemmas, these titles are must-haves for collectors. Don’t miss the cosmic twist in What If…? Galactus Transformed Spider-Gwen #1, the nostalgic revival of SilverHawks #1, or the chilling expansion of the Slaughterverse in Book of Cutter #1.

Top 5 Comics This Week: Spider-Gwen, SIKTC, and More.
This week brings an intriguing mix of anniversary celebrations, nostalgic revivals, and fresh spins on classic characters. Whether you’re hunting for a key issue to bolster your collection or eyeing potential long-term speculative value, these comics deliver on all fronts. Let’s break down the Top 5 new comics this week, each offering unique opportunities for collectors.

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Star Wars: A New Legacy #1, Marvel celebrates a decade of its Star Wars comics with this milestone issue. The galaxy’s most iconic characters converge in an Imperial gala hosted by none other than Emperor Palpatine himself. This comic is a treasure trove for fans and speculators alike, bringing Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, Doctor Aphra, and Scar Squadron into one chaotic storyline. The highlight? A deadly yet darkly comedic droid game featuring the infamous 0-0-0 and BT-1. These fan-favorite characters have been sleeper hits for collectors, and their prominence here could reignite interest in their earlier key appearances. With its blend of nostalgia and fresh storytelling, this anniversary issue feels like a no-brainer for anyone who considers Star Wars a cornerstone of their collection. What If…? Galactus Transformed Spider-Gwen #1, Spider-Gwen fans, take note. This What If…? installment takes Gwen Stacy to cosmic levels, reimagining her as a herald of Galactus. After saving a wounded herald, Gwen gains the Power Cosmic, but the question looms: can she resist the world-devouring tendencies of her new role? This issue not only introduces a powerful new iteration of Spider-Gwen but also explores whether her heroism can withstand galactic temptation. The cosmic twist on an already beloved character makes this a must-watch for speculators. With the What If…? series consistently pushing boundaries, this one might just become a sleeper hit. SilverHawks #1, the 80s cult classic is back, revamped for modern audiences by Dynamite Entertainment. This debut issue introduces a new team of bionically enhanced defenders like Quicksilver and Steelheart, brought together by Commander Stargazer to combat Mon*Star and his band of criminals in Limbo. For collectors, SilverHawks offers a unique opportunity to own a fresh take on a beloved property, and Dynamite’s track record with nostalgic franchises has made their reboots hot commodities. Whether you’re an old fan or new to the SilverHawks mythos, this first issue could be the start of a shiny new series with long-term potential. Book of Cutter #1, James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera expand the Slaughterverse once again with this chilling one-shot. Maxine Slaughter investigates the mysterious House Cutter, unlocking dark secrets tied to the monster-hunting universe. As the fifth anniversary of Something is Killing the Children approaches, Tynion and Dell’Edera are doubling down on expanding their franchise. Collectors have learned to keep an eye on these side stories, as the next breakout hit in the Slaughterverse could be lurking in one of these spin-offs. If history repeats itself, this issue could see significant interest down the line, especially with its ties to the broader mythos. Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1, Superman and Lex Luthor’s complicated relationship takes center stage in this issue, where Lex’s memories are mysteriously erased, and Superman needs them back to solve a Justice League mystery. But what if Lex doesn’t want to remember? This story raises compelling moral dilemmas while revisiting the iconic rivalry between hero and villain. For collectors, it’s a spotlight on Lex Luthor, and key issues that explore his psyche often hold long-term value. With its blend of classic Superman drama and fresh intrigue, this special could pique the interest of both speculators and longtime fans.

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