InvestComics Hot Picks – Collecting New Modern Characters

Chris Seal – The Broker’s Corner

So my local shop is having a 50 cent blowout sale every weekend for a month.  I missed day one but got lucky and still found a stack of Valiant cover pricing variants and a complete run of Critters all in NM! I traded a guy (Gun Valkyrie) for the first appearance of Bananaman and this other dude tried to sell me a picture of a vintage R2-D2 trashcan converted into a motorized toilet.

State of the industry:

As the Modern Age nears its end we should all reflect on how important the last few years have been for our beloved medium.  We have enjoyed positive expanses in both content and quality as a healthy motion picture market drives new and old collectors to buy all things comic book related.

Variants and other treasures continue to trade for immediate gains as first appearances, CGC rarities, signed editions and comics with low printings fuel the base of the Modern Age market.

The new golden age has produced some great new characters.  These are my favorites!


10. The Canterbury Cricket

Oddball characters with cool origins often lead to huge back issue gains.  I love the potential for this creepy do-gooder down the road.

First Appearance: Flashpoint: TheCanterburyCricket

Value: 3.95


9. X-23

With a cool design and an unexpected first appearance,  X-23 hit collectors by surprise when she first appeared in NYX # 3.  Since then Marvel has used her wisely. 



First Appearance: First X-23 Serum: Wolverine Vol. 1 #80 Value: 1.95

First full appearance: NYX #3 Value: 75.00


8.  The Winter Soldier

Wonderful art and writing resurrect a beloved super hero!

First Appearance of Buckey Barnes as the Winter Soldier: CaptainAmerica#5 Value:  7.95



Dex may have one of the most heart wrenching origins in all of comics.  While that story appears in another comic the rarity of this book and its variants make it worth paying market value if you can find them. 

First Appearance:  Rage of the Red Lanterns Special Value: 5.95

Origin:  Green Lantern # 55 & # 55 VariantValue: 2.95 (Variant, 12.95)


6.The Deadpool Corps

This crazy concept was ripe for failure and could have sunk one of Marvel’s most popular creations.  Instead they treated us to a fully stocked mad house of the most twisted rejects ever put to paneled paper.  Dr. Bong anyone?

First Appearance:   Deadpool Rank & Foul One Shot Value: 4.95

First time Deadpool mentions creating a corps: Cable #25 & #25 Variant Value:  2.95, (Variant, 7.95)


5.Lady Bullseye

Originally inspired by Lady Snowblood,  a manga character bent on vengeance for the murder of her family – this underrated assassin is sure to create a back issue stir in the years to come.  With a well crafted origin by Ed Brubaker and some amazing early renditions I would lay down fair market value for the variants.

First Appearance: Daredevil # 111 Value: 5.95 (Variant, 9.95)


4.Blue Hulk

It’s not the first time Hulk went blue but definitely the definitive version.

First Appearance: Hulk # 6 Value:  3.95 (Turner Variant-9.95)


3.The Monkey King/Sun Wukong

Based on the famed Monkey King this character is my sleeper pick of the bunch.  He’s too new to start talking current values but this issue of Iron Man is his first appearance while most will mistakenly look to his Fear Itself one shot.

First Appearance: Iron Man 2.0 # 5 Value: 2.95


2.Hit Monkey

What’s better than a monkey assassin with a tragic past and a place in Deadpool canon?

First Appearance: Hit Monkey One Shot Value: 4.95


1. Agent Orange:  Larfleeze!

Yes I am biased when it comes to the greedy Agent Orange but I dare you all to present a better character from the last ten years.  His early appearances continue to rise in value, his only action figure is an Ebay firestorm and lucky for all of you his first appearance is a basement bargain written by comic legends.

First Appearance:  Dc Universe #0 Value: 1.95




Comic related collectibles I’d buy in a recession!

The Joker’s SDCC Dollar (Watch out for fakes!)








Thomas Wayne 100$ Casino Chip 2011 SDCC (The dark gray chip is very, very rare!)








DC Blackest Night Agent Orange: Larfleeze Action Figure











The Joker/Obama Doll (













Miracleman Coin











Next time:

I make good on past promises?

3rd to last issues of value!!!

Rare giveaways!

My favorite collected editions and more!




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