InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 9-23-09






Many Hot Picks coming at you this week. So get ready to sift through some back issue bins as you pick up your new comics this week.

marvelspotlight32_firstspiderwoman1977.gifSpider-Woman # 1 
The highly successful team of Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev team up to bring an all new ongoing. Yes, you’re probably saying ‘how many failed attempts will we go for with this character?’ Marvel has a knack for trying to revive certain characters over and over, but it seems that if you get a good writer on a book these days, you’ll have success. Iron Fist seems to fit this bill so does Ms. Marvel and Deathlok will fit this bill as well when his ongoing comes out. Comic collectors are an extremely smart bunch these days and are not going to be fooled by pretty pictures anymore. There has to be a deep substance to go along with the awesome display of artwork that is hitting every Wednesday. So when you’re checking out the awesomeness of the new Spider-Woman book, check out the awesomeness of Marvel Spotlight #32. $30 will get you this first appearance of Jessica Drew from 1977. This is a Bronze age comic that is
waiting to explode. The new Spider-Woman book coming out will be a sell out and collectors will take note to try and find the first appearance. Marvel Spotlight #32 is a buy all the way here, collectors, you’ll be left on the outside looking in if you don’t pick this one up.






Dark Reign Vol 1: Made Men  – Here we have one of those comics with a plethora of characters that need some attention. Find these first appearance if you will……Spymaster has 3 different first appearances. His very first appearance would be Iron Man Vol 1 #33. An easy $35 will score you this one. Then you have Spymaster 2 in Iron Man Vol 1 #254 ($3) with a great Santa Claus cover! The latest Spymaster comes out of Ironman Inevitable from 2006 (cover price). This would be the first Sinclair Abbot Spymaster. The Enforcer makes his first appearance in Ghost Rider Vol 1 #22 ($7). This is a Bronze age Jack (King) Kirby cover! Then you have Jack O’ Lantern’s first appearance in Machine Man #19, penciled by Steve Ditko and a cover by Frank Miller. Great buy here for only $18. Last but not least, Attuma first appears in Fantastic Four #33. This comic will cost you about $400. So there you go, a lot of characters in this book with a lot of hunting for you. 

theweb1.gifarchieandfriends107katykeenestory2007theweb.gifWeb # 1 

A few weeks ago, InvestComics jumped the gun again! Man this place is eager! Anyway, here is the original weekly Hot Pick from a 8-19-09:

The Red Circle: The Web # 1  This is another installment of J. Michael Straczynski  returning some old heroes to the DC mix. This hero like last weeks Hangman have appeared in many Archie comics as well as DC’s Imprint Impact. Although this really isn’t  J. Michael Straczynski return to DC (see Hot Picks Week Of 8-5-09 for more of an explanation on the ‘return’ of Mikey to DC) The Web will be an interesting comic book to check out.  With J.M. at the helm on these books it’s easy to say it should be worth a look from anyone that is a collector. Looks like it’ll probably be another sleeper for DC. So if you would like to look for the last time The Web made an appearance in an Archie era comic look no further than Archie and Friends # 107 and look for the Katy Keene Story within the comic. There you will find hero The Web. DC’s Imprint The Web with Impact isn’t really worth a look because they changed the Web hero into a team. 

supermansecretorigin1.gifSuperman: Secret Origin # 1  Gary Frank and Geoff Johns get together again
to crank out the next hottest series for DC. The Superman origin has had many
different takes over the years, but never with a talent or respect since John
Byrne’s Man of Steel mini from 1986 has a Superman origin story garnished so
much attention. Geoff Johns and Gary Frank will take Superman to new heights
with this one.


uncannyxmen515.gifUncanny X-Men # 515 
Marvel says ‘the effects of Utopia are felt here’ and it looks like someone from the original Mutant pack is leaving on a jet plane. Well maybe on foot, maybe by subway, maybe by boat or maybe you should just stay put and read it!



Here are some other Hot comics coming at you this Wednesday…… 







Beautful Creatures # 1  This one might be a sleeper…. 





BONUS: Here are some very cool Superhero Squad Variants coming out this week! 








See you Next Week

Invest Wisely

Jay K


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