InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 3-4-09
A few red hot series continue this week as a few new ones look to start up. Look for a war to break out in the Marvel Cosmic Universe. The aftermath of Secret Invasion spills out forever changing Marvel’s cosmic landscape……
War of The Kings #1 Marvel is putting together an event for their cosmic universe. With the successful runs on some previous mega storylines, this one will probably hold up very well. Marvel’s cosmic universe is a very interesting and fun place to be. So sit back and read away, enjoy as Marvel takes the steps to tighten up their celestial chronicles. This is going to be fun!
Solomon Grundy #1 DC brings the monster back again with his own 7 part mini. With the new series comes his origin and do not be surprised if the demand makes Grundy go beyond the 7 issues here. A regular series is either on the horizon or extends after number 7.
Spider-Man & Human Torch in bahia de los muertos (One Shot) Fantastic Four go to Puerto Rico and spider-man joins in on the fun. This comic comes in both and English version and a Spanish version. Oh and in case you’re wondering, Bahia de los muertos = Bay of Dead Men.
Strange Adventures # 1 & Hulk: Broken Worlds 1 2 interesting number one issues from Marvel and DC. Don’t pass these up.
Secret Warriors # 2 & Agents of Atlas # 2 Both number one issues were sellouts. Both number 2 issues will do the same. Don’t blink.
X-Men/Spider-Man #4 This hot series concludes and promises to tie it to the current universe.
Batman Cacophony # 3 Yes Kevin Smith has done it! A 3 issue miniseries that came out on time and is concluding right here!
Mighty # 2 DC’s appealing new series continues and you should continue buying it.
Covers of The Week……
See you all next week.
Invest Wisely.
Jay Katz