InvestComics™ Wheels Over To The Dark Side

AndreaFPpic“Darth” Andrea Millhouse will be joining the InvestComics™ team. Check out all the details in this press release from Don Smith!

InvestComics Wheels Over To The Dark Side
by Don E. Smith Jr.

1aaAndreaPIC2Her name is “Darth” Andrea Millhouse and this “amazon ninja” (as her friends call her) is crossing the dark side of the street and coming to InvestComics with her column about Robert Jordan’s mega-opus “The Wheel of Time.”

Though Jordan passed away in 2007, his series of books are still as popular as they ever were, if not more so.

“Robert Jordan’s tales of about a ‘world that was broken’ is the ‘fantasy heir apparent’ to J.R.R. Tolkein’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ series,” said Millhouse. “Jordan was able to go above and beyond what Tolkein was able to do.

“Yet, at the risk of offending Tolkein fans, Jordan was able to dictate and keep very detailed and copious notes about the story he wanted to tell, whereas, it seems Tolkein’s family still publishes books based on the random remark or the odd note he jotted down.”

Millhouse explained that the first novel in the series, EYE OF THE WORLD, is being adapted into a  comic book by Chuck Dixon through Dynamite Entertainment; also has a movie in the works; not to mention a video game along with e-versions of the book coming out.

“Not to mention fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson is finishing up the series based on Jordan’s detailed plans,” said Millhouse. 

She added, “Fans of fantasy novels and fans of comic books share an amazing kinship so I want to thank Jay Katz for the chance to write the Wheel of Time column.”

Jay Katz, the publisher of InvestComics, explained he wants to grow his web site by giving fans something they want, like a column dedicated to “The Wheel of Time.”

“Many people have told me they love the series and to get Darth Andrea is just a real treat for InvestComics,” said Katz.

Millhouse was a reviewer for and is a frequent contributor to forums and websites dedicated to the Wheel of Time, Green Lantern, DC Comics and other comic book sites.

When not writing or reviewing, Millhouse sculpts toys, makes jewelry and enjoys spending time with her family.

“‘The Wheel of Time’ is a wonderful series,” said Millhouse. “And I will make this column informative, educational and a lot of fun. Heck, these people carry swords, so that’s just awesome.”

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