A weekly video look at some of the covers from the weekly InvestComics Hot Picks article. New comics arriving 2/21/18. Please utilize your common sense and READ the article to see why these covers are in this video –> InvestComics Hot Picks #515 .
This is NOT an explanation video, just eye candy. READ…..it’s good for you. Turn up the volume and enjoy!
ALL Of The New Comics Videos….And More
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Jay Katz
Tags: #AlesKot , #BlackPanther , #BlackyShepherd , #CarloBarberi , #ChristopherPriest , #ChristosGage , #CodyAndrewSousa , #comicart , #cosmicghostrider , #CullenBunn , #DanSheppard , #DavidBarnett , #dccomics , #DonMcGregor , #DonnyCates , #dynamiteentertainment , #ebayaffiliate , #GerryDuggan , #GhostRider , #HitGirl , #hotcomics , #InfinityGems , #InvestComics #comics , #investingincomics , #investwiselyreadcomics , #JoeBrusha , #JoshuaWilliamson , #KenLashley , #kickass , #LiamSharp , #LuisSuarez , #MartinSimmonds , #MikeDeodatoJr , #MikeGrell , #MikelJanin , #newarrivals , #newcomicbooksthisweek , #newcomicbookwednesday , #newcomics , #newcomicsthisweek , #newreleases , #NickSpencer , #normanosborn , #PatrickTrahey , #PeterTomasi , #PiotrKowalski , #Pumpkinhead , #Punk'sNotDead , #RaffaeleIenco , #RalphTedesco , #redgoblin , #ReginaldHudin , #RicardoLopezOrtiz , #RileyRossmo , #RodReis , #scoutcomics , #stabbitybunny , #SuperSons , #thisweeksnewcomics , #TitanBooks , #tomking , #WaltOstlie , Ales Kot , Alterna Comics , AlternaComics , Amazing Spider-Man #795 , avengers , Avengers #681 , Batman , Batman #41 , Batman and The Signal #2 , Batman Sins of the Father #1 , Black Panther Annual #1 , Blacky Shepherd , Bloodborne #1 , Carlo Barberi , Carnage Goblin , Christopher Priest , Christos N. Gage , Cody Andrew Sousa , comicbooks , Cosmic Ghost Rider , Cullen Bunn , Dan Sheppard , David Barnett , DC , Deathbed #1 , Doctor Strange Damnation #1 , DoctorStrange , Don McGregor , Donny Cates , Dynamite Entertainment , EBay , First Issue Special #8 , Gerry Duggan , Ghost Rider , Hit Girl , IDW , imagecomics , Infinity Countdown Prime #1 , Infinity Gems , Joe Brusha , Joshua Williamson , Ken Lashley , Liam Sharp , Luis Suarez , MarkMillar , Martin Simmonds , Marvel , marvelcomics , Mike Deodato Jr , Mike Grell , Mikel Janin , Musketeers #1 , ncbd , Nick Spencer , Norman Osborn , Patrick Trahey , Peter J. Tomasi , Piotr Kowalski , Pumpkinhead #1 , Punisher , Punk's Not Dead #1 , Raffaele Ienco , Ralph Tedesco , Red Gobin , Reginald Hudin , Ricardo Lopez Ortiz , Riley Rossmo , Rod Reis , Scout Comics , Shiver Bureau #1 , Sonitus #1 , spider-man , Spiderman , Super Sons , Super Sons #13 , Thanos , Thanos #13 , Thanos #14 , Thanos #15 , The Brave & The Bold Batman & Wonder Woman #1 , The XII #1 , Titan Books , Tom King , Trinity #18 , Vertigo , Voyager , Walt Ostlie , Warlord
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