Teen Titans on film?

1984 brought us a new Teen Titans comic…….

Originally published in InvestComics Magazine #2  July 2007

Current price $10.00

Released – 1984

The New Teen Titans # 1

The year was 1984, Springsteen, Van Halen, George Orwell, Reaganomics, Apple and we ended the year with a bang from Bernard Goetz. Ah the 80’s, a great era. A great era that produced some of the greatest comics in history. Watchmen, Dark Knight, etc. We’re not even comparing the book above with the greatest ever but it was a fun book nonetheless. The great artistry of George Perez and awesome storytelling of Marv Wolman, along with the prestige format made this book a must have back in the day. Now 23 years later we might be revisiting George and Marv on the silver screen. Warner Brothers have opted to put the Teens on the big screen. The word in Hollywood is that they are looking at the Perez/Wolman run to characterize the feel of the movie. If DC has learned anything from the X-men franchise is that, if done right, a movie can be very successful. Great comic, great characters, great read, and great creators!

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