InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 12-22-10
Indie comics are the way to go this week. Check inside for more details.
It’s a few days before Christmas, Have you done all of your shopping? Here are a few goodies for yourself….
Now on to a rapid fire session of the Weekly Hot Picks…..
Independent comics are ruling the land this week. A few weeks back InvestComics told you about a very cool book on the WHP from 11-24-10 called Cyclops #1 (Archaia). It was pushed back until this week, so nothing different here, pick it up! Untouchable – One Shot (Dynamite) looks like an interesting pick up from writer Mike Carey of Marvel’s X-Men. Red hot series Morning Glories (Image) reaches its fifth issue already. Pick up these early issue’s of Morning Glories, something special going on here. Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook makes his debut into the comic book world, thanks to Blue Water comics. Also from Blue Water comics is Styx & Stone #1, check that one out as well.
The biggest Indie book this week goes to the much covered Archie #616. Many news outlets and other media have covered this comic well before its release this week. President Obama teams up with Sarah Palin in part 1 of Campaign Pair. That’s real sweet that they are sharing a shake from the same cup, wonder how the First Lady and Todd feel about this. Anyway, pick this collector’s item up, it just may be the first time that a former president, and a new president appear on the same cover at the same time.
Marvel comes at us with Iron Man #33. The Finale to Stark: Resilient storyline. Marvel says that the last 3 pages of this one will be “shocking”. Looking forward to getting zapped!
Check out the latest InvestComics TV episode which comes out December 22. Every Wednesday is new comic book day and every Wednesday we will have a new show for you! This week, Neal Adams Part 2 of 4! Boy is this one good! Look for extra episodes coming out periodically during the week as well. Have you seen the new InvestComics TV web site yet? It’s a work in progress, but check it out. First quarter of 2011, ICTV web site will be in full tilt! We’ll see you there.
Have a great holiday, remember buy lots of comics, and invest wisely.
Jay Katz