InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 7-21-10
InvestComics debuts on Comics Price Guide with this week’s Hot Picks! This plus Alan Moore, True Blood and much more inside….
This week InvestComics will be featured for the very first time on Comics Price Guide. Special thanks goes out to Tom Gordon III for getting this done and having InvestComics & Comics Price Guide join forces. More in the press release later this week about the team up.
InvestComics weekly Hot Picks will be featured on the front page of Comics Price Guide. The Hot Picks for InvestComics have been coming out for almost 2 ½ years now (web based) on a consistent basis before Wednesday’s NEW comic book day. The Hot Picks brings you up to speed on what comics are coming out that particular week that the comic collector should be looking out for. For example, comics with a first appearance, new costume, new creative team, first work of a creator, etc. Hot Picks also informs you the buyer of Golden/Silver/Bronze and Modern age comics to buy/hold or sell.
The key to remember while collecting is to always have fun and make wise choices when buying into the market. Not every comic will be a winner, and you won’t be able to retire collecting comic books. The speculative market is a market that does require some skill set in order to make some short term or long term investment’s, so always invest wisely.
InvestComics also has reviews, indie columns, fan films, press releases, movies, toy/video games, and so much more, including a very hot column called 10 for the Pros which is a rapid fire question session. Creators like Paul Levitz, Bill Sienkiewicz, Mike McKone, Rob Guillory, Whilce Portacio, Chuck Dixon, Frank Cho, Joe Jusko, and MANY more have already done the rapid fire, so check it out!
Okay more to come in the press release later this week, so keep your eyes open for it. Now on to the Hot Picks…..
Hot Picks 7-21-10
Alan Moore will be coming out with his latest creation this week, Neonomicon #1 from Avatar . Alan Moore has a body of work that very few writers, if any could be matched with. His legacy will forever be known for Watchmen with Dave Gibbons. This classic happen to come out 6 months after Frank Miller’s Dark Knight classic, thus both Frank and Alan cemented their names in the comic industry within the same year of 1986. They single handily changed the way comic books are written, and comics were catapulted into a serious side never seen before in this medium. A beauty of a nugget sits out there for a mere $12. One of Alan Moore’s first published works is Doctor Who magazine #35 from 1979. Could anyone imagine that this comic is out there for only $12?? An absolute steal if found in NM condition….yes good luck with that. The Watchmen #1 comic goes for the same $12 price. Which would you rather own?
One of HBO’s very hot series will be making its way to a comic book shelf by you. True Blood #1 will sell out so quick that you’ll probably here the announcement of a second print coming out before you see the first print. The biggest drawback to the release of True Blood #1 would be the 6 variant covers. Vampires, sex, blood……this smells like a fun time though! Want to have more fun? Buy the variant photo cover, CGC this comic and sell it on ebay to a True Blood fanatic. You’ll easily make twice your money on this one. Speaking of hot series, anyone remember Charmed? Zenescope Entertainment will continue the television series in issue number one.
Okay, so Marvel is going to finally reveal what was whispered into MJ’s ear 2 years ago! Or has it been longer than that?? Who cares, looks like we will be getting some answers that many of us Spidey fans have been clamoring for! Amazing Spider-Man #638 will start a 4 issue story arc that will all be double sized to explain lots and lots of things. Yes Joe Q, (Insert Rickey Ricardo voice now) you have some splaining to do! And we will be with you every step of the way, make good on this one.
Miracleman Classic Primer #1 will catch everyone up to speed on the character. So now would be a better time than never to catch up on a couple of prime issues from the Eclipse series. Check out issue number one of course brought to you by….oh wait, weren’t we just talking about this guy? Yes Alan Moore helped reintroduce Miracleman to the comic book lure with much fanfare. That Miracleman comic was a very hot item back in 1985. Alan Moore was about to help change the landscape of comic book writing a year later with Dave Gibbons. We already went over this didn’t we? Anyway, issue number one is a gimme at only $10, but bounce over to issue #15 and now we’re talking. This Death of Kid Miracleman is a rare find and prices in at the $75 mark, “The” gem in the Eclipse MM run. 2 issues later another legend came along, Neil Gaiman. Thus began the Golden Age MM ($20). The Silver Age MM began in issue #23 ($25). That’s a quickie of some of the MM comics you should look out for, more to come in the weeks and months ahead on Miracleman.
Speaking of quickie, here are a few comics coming your way this week you should check out. DC’s Time Masters Vanishing Point #1, The return of Bruce Wayne. Where has he been? Find out here. Lady Deadpool #1 will be a fun read, and if you forgot where her first appearance was, it happened in Deadpool Merc with a mouth #7. Get that issue for cover price anywhere. Azrael #10 brings aboard new writer, David Hine. See what he brings to the table.
Have a great week, remember Invest Wisely
Jay Katz