A weekly video look at some of the covers from the weekly InvestComics Hot Picks article. New comics arriving 1/31/18. Please utilize your common sense and READ the article to see why these covers are in this video –> InvestComics Hot Picks #512 .
This is NOT an explanation video, just eye candy. READ…..it’s good for you. Turn up the volume and enjoy!
ALL Of The New Comics Videos….And More
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Carpe Diem.
Jay Katz
Tags: #ACComics , #ActionLab , #actionlabentertainment , #AdrianRopp , #aftershockcomics , #AmericanMythology , #AndrewWheeler , #antarcticpress , #archiecomics , #BenAcker , #BenBlacker , #BernieWrightson , #BillBlankenship , #BillSienkiewicz , #BlackMirror , #BrandonBarrows , #BrianDenham , #ChapterhouseComics , #ChristianDuce , #ChristopherPriest , #comicart , #comics , #DanAbnett , #dccomics , #DenysCowan , #DJMostWanted , #Doomsdayclock , #dynamitecomics , #dynamiteentertainment , #ebayaffiliate , #EberFerreira , #EddyBarrows , #Fantomah , #GhostRider , #hotcomics , #InvestComics #comics , #investingincomics , #investwiselyreadcomics , #JackHammerPaperHero , #JamesTynionIV , #jasonfabok , #JoeStaton , #JohnRomitaJr , #JoshuaMiddleton , #JuanSamu , #KelleyJones , #KevWalker , #LenWein , #Motherlands , #newarrivals , #newcomicbookwednesday , #newcomics , #newreleases , #Quantum&Woody , #RachaelStott , #RayFawkes , #SandraHope , #scoutcomics , #Silencer , #SimonSpurrier , #SooLee , #StretchArmstrong , #SwampThing , #titancomics , #tomking , #valiantcomics , #valiantentertainment , AC Comics , Action Lab , Action Lab Entertainment , Adrian Ropp , AfterShock Comics , Alterna Comics , American Mythology , Andrew Wheeler , Antarctic Press , Archie Comics , avengers , Avengers #678 , Ben Acker , Ben Blacker , Bernie Wrightson , Bill Blankenship , Bill Sienkiewicz , Black Mask Comics , Black Mirror , Brandon Barrows , Brian Denham , Chapterhouse , Chapterhouse Comics , Charlton Arrow #3 , Chim Chum and the Portly Samurai #1 , Christian Duce , Christopher Priest , Clayface , Comic art , comic books , comicbooks , comics , Damage #1 , Dan Abnett , DC , DC COMICS , DEATHSTROKE , Deathstroke Annual #1 , Denys Cowan , Detective Comics Annual #1 , DJ , doomsday clock , Dynamite Comics , Dynamite Entertainment , EBay , Eber Ferreira , Eddy Barrows , Fantomah #1 , Flash , Flash Annual #1 , Freelance , Freelance #1 , Ghost Rider , Hasbro , hot comics , Hulk #181 , IDW , IMAGE COMICS , imagecomics , invest wisely , Investing in Comics , Jack Hammer Paper Hero , James Tynion IV , Jason Fabok , Joe Staton , John Romita JR , Joshua Middleton , Juan Samu , Kelley Jones , Kev Walker , len Wein , Marvel , Marvel Comics , marvelcomics , Motherlands #1 , ncbd , New arrivals , new comic book wednesday , new comics , new releases , Quantum & Woody #2 , Rachael Stott , Ray Fawkes , read comics , Red 5 Comics , Sandra Hope , Scout Comics , Silencer #1 , SImon Spurrier , Soo Lee , Spawn , Spawn #281 , Spawn #282 , Star Wars , Star Wars The Last Jedi DJ Most Wanted #1 , StarWars , Stretch Armstrong , Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters #1 , Swamp Thing , Titan Comics , Tom King , Tremendous Trump World War T , Trump , Unit E , Valiant Comics , Valiant Entertainment , Vertigo , Zenescope
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